NLB Group is the largest banking and financial group in Slovenia and the largest financial group with headquarters and an exclusive strategic interest in our home region – Southeast Europe. The Group utilises a universal banking model and supports its clients through retail, corporate, and investment banking services, intertwining sustainability intensively into all its operations.
In addition to NLB d.d., a main entity in Slovenia and a public company, NLB Group is comprised of six subsidiary banks, several companies for ancillary services (asset management, real estate management, leasing services etc.), and a limited number of non-core subsidiaries in a controlled wind-down, operating in the markets of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Croatia.
However, NLB Group is no mere financial group and as an institution of systemic importance, we are not only interested in strictly business topics. In addition to good business performance and financial results that contribute to the economic development of the region, we also wish to shape and improve the social threads of the environment we live in and to contribute to a higher quality of life for all its people. For us, this region is not just a spot on the map. This is our home. And that is why our dedication to Southeastern Europe goes beyond providing financial services. We are committed to fostering a thriving community, where every individual and business finds new opportunities and discovers new horizons.
Source: NLB Group Annual Report 2023
In accordance with the provisions of Zban-3, the banking group must be organized in such a way that the parent bank in the banking group is enabled to manage the risks to which the group is or could be exposed in its operations. The parent bank and all other members of the banking group must establish and implement at the group level such a risk management system that enables the smooth preparation of all data and information relevant to supervision on a consolidated basis.
NLB Group consists of NLB d.d. and members of the NLB Group (one parent and one or more subsidiaries related under the sole management of the parent is accordind to Companies act called actual group).
As a rule, these are long-term financial investments in shares or stocks of banks and other companies.
According to the ownership and organizational management structure, the members of the NLB Group are:
The organization and number of members of the group may change, namely by establishing, acquiring and merging or by terminating members, in the form of the sale of capital investments or the termination of operations (liquidation of companies).
Prior to any major change in the organizational structure of the NLB Group, corporate governance stakeholders also take into account the effects that would affect the stability and organizational structure of the NLB Group.
In NLB d.d. we have established two management policies, one for NLB d.d. and another for the banking group. Management policies take into account the provisions of applicable legislation in the Republic of Slovenia, in particular the Banking Act and the Companies Act, the Internal Management Regulation, the Management Authority and the process of assessing adequate internal capital for banks and savings banks, EBA guidelines on internal governance and other applicable EU laws and regulations on internal and corporate governance. In managing the NLB Group, the Bank also complies with the provisions of the Slovenian Corporate Governance Code, the Rules of the Ljubljana and London Stock Exchanges, and follows the recommendations for listed public companies.
The NLB Group is managed by:
a. in accordance with the basic corporate rules through the bodies of the NLB Group members:
b. with mechanisms to ensure effective business control and management, namely:
c. with additional supervision of NLB Group members, which are performed within the control functions (risk management, audit, compliance) and through external supervisors (European Central Bank, local regulators, external auditors), and we also pay special attention to monitoring related parties with the bank as members of a banking group.